Naturalists at Fish Creek Falls

09/02/2023 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM MT


  • Free


Fish Creek Falls Upper Parking Lot
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487


An iconic area to visit, the Fish Creek Falls, is only a 4-mile drive from downtown. Our Naturalists have a variety of ways to learn about the area including a short free tour- more details below!



EVERY Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday - from June 23rd- September 4th


There's are a variety of ways for you to discover more about Fish Creek Falls through our Naturalists.

Thank you to our partners the US Forest Service for making everything below free!

1) A daily guided tour: 

  • Starts at 10 AM, welcome to all ages- this is a short easy tour in the area led by a Naturalist.
  • No registration is needed, just show up.
  • Meets at the top of the "upper parking lot" right near the top of the overlook trail; look for our "Naturalist on Site" sign.

2) Explore wildlife pelts and skulls:

  • A favorite with kids and adults alike our table is set up with a Naturalist from 10 AM - 2 PM Friday thru Monday
  • Find us at the top of the "upper parking lot" right near the top of the overlook trail; look for our "Naturalist on Site" sign.

3) On the trail!

  • Our naturalists will be out at the overlooks, picnic area, or down at the bridge from 11 AM- 2 PM Friday thru Monday.
  • We love to answer questions so please strike up a conversation!


If you have any questions please email or call us at (970) 871-9151 (please note we generally are not in the office on Saturdays and Sundays to answer calls).


Do not forget to look up information for Fish Creek Falls; such as parking fees, amenities, rules, and regulations. This area is owned and operated by the United States Forest Service.