Uranium Mine Geology Hike - August

08/13/2019 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM MT


  • $25.00


Fish Creek Falls - Upper Parking Lot
34165 Fish Creek Falls Rd
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
United States of America


This Geology Hike will follow the Uranium Mine trail guided by a local CMC Professor!
Meet in the upper parking lot at Fish Creek Falls at 4:55 pm ($5 parking fee).
Be sure to dress for current and changing weather as it might rain or get chilly before the program ends. Bring plenty of water and wear good hiking shoes and clothes.


The Uranium Mine Geology Hike is an educational hike so feel free to bring a notebook and pen along with your smiles, enthusiasm, and curiosity! You will learn about local geological and the history of the uranium mine.


Important details:

  • Meeting Time: 5 -8 pm

  • Meeting Location: Upper parking lot at Fish Creek Falls (34165 Fish Creek Falls Rd)

  • Cost: $25 (there is a $5 parking fee so bring cash or check)

  • What to wear: Dress for the weather (current and future) and dress in layers! You'll most likely want long pants/sleeves to protect yourself from the sun, dirt, and things that might make you itchy (mosquitos etc.). Avoid cotton when you’re able and go with a synthetic material or wool.

  • Also remember to wear sturdy hiking shoes, good socks, a cool sun hat, and sunscreen!

  • What to bring in your day pack: 2 Water bottles (2 liters), snacks, sunscreen, extra layers (long sleeve shirt, fleece) and also bring your waterproof jacket!


If you have additional questions or need more information, please email info@yampatika.org or call the office at (970) 871-9151